THRomboprophylaxis in Individuals undergoing superficial endoVEnous treatment (THRIVE): a multi-centre, assessor-blind randomised controlled trial

Research summary

The purpose of this study is to investigate if it is worthwhile prescribing medicines to reduce blood clots after varicose vein procedures. People enrolled in the study will undergo an assessment to make sure that they don’t have the most important risk factors for clots. Those most at risk would not be included in the trial. People enrolled in the study will be over 18 years of age and would receive compression stockings along with one of the following three treatments: A) No clot-reducing medicine,or B) Single dose of clot-reducing medicine,or C) 10-day course of clot-reducing medicine A computer would randomly choose one of these three treatments by chance to make the trial fair. The varicose vein treatment itself and all the other processes around the varicose vein treatment will continue as normal. Everyone in the study will get an ultrasound scan at 21 days after their operation to check they have not developed a blood clot. This scan is not routinely performed in the NHS and is an additional scan to make sure that all blood clots are detected at an early stage. Participants will receive a phone call 90 days after their treatment to see if they have developed a blood clot or had any problems with the treatment. The trial will provide valuable information to inform international guidelines and will be published in leading scientific journals. Furthermore,results will be shared through the following organisations’ websites and associated social media: Imperial College London,NIHR,Thrombosis UK,Circulation Foundation,Legs Matter,Lindsay Leg Club,Vascular All Party Parliamentary Group,and Royal Society of Medicine.

Principal Investigator

Dr Emma Wilton

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